Ostankino Estate. Russia museums. Moscow museums. Museum in Moscow
Ostankino Estate

The museum is an excellent representative of the Russian culture of the end of the XVIII century. It was
mainly created by the serf and that is what it is famous for. In 1989 the restoration of the museum began.
In 1992 it was opened for visitors. Originally a wooden church of the Life-Giving Trinity was built on
that place in XVII by the owners of the mansion princes Cherkasskys. A stone brick-red five-headed cathedral
trimmed with white fretted stone and coloured tiles was erected there. In 1743 the mansion came into the
possession of the count Sheremetiev – one of the most educated aristocrats of the XVIII century. He was
known for his great love for art, sciences, literature and especially theater. That passion of his pushed
him forward to the creation of that magnificent palace ensemble, which united under the same roof a theater,
a library, an art gallery, an armoury and scientific rooms. Famous architects I. Starov, V. Brenna, F. Kamporezi,
and the serf architects I. P. Argunov, A. F. Mironov, G. E. Dikushin made the projects of the palace (by
the way entirely built of wood). The theater, opened in 1795, stood in the compositional centre of the
palace. Praskovia Zhemchugova – the serf star of the theater – later became count Sheremetiev’s wife.
The performances were usually followed by balls. After that the public went to the pavilions and then
for a walk about the picturesque park. After N. P. Sheremetiev died in 1809, life in Ostankino came to a
standstill. The history of the homestead shrouded in mystery, but that attracted visitors even more.
By the end of the century the palace had become a private museum. Nowadays the Ostankinsky palace is the
only Russian and one of the few European theater buildings of the end of the XVIII century with an
undestroyed stage, hall, foyers, make-up rooms and equipment of the upper engine-room. Carved golden
furniture, Russian and European sculpture, porcelain, West-European painting, graphics, a collection of
musical instruments including Praskovia Zhemchugova’s harp and numerous plans of the palace are exhibited
in the museum. Concerts of ancient chamber music, opera performances from the repertoire of the
Sheremetiev’s company take place in the Ostankinsky Theater today too.
- Underground: VDNKh
- Address: 5, 1st Ostankinskaya ul.
- Open daily except MON and TUE from10.00 till 18.00.