Novosibirsk Museum of Regional Studies. Museum of History and Ethnography. Museums of Novosibirsk. Novosibirsk museum.
Novosibirsk Museum of Regional Studies (Museum of History and Ethnography)

Novosibirsk Regional Museum of Local Lore, History and Economy is one of the major museums of Siberia.
It was found in 1920. Currently it's collection contains more than 170,000 artifacts. These illustrate 150,000 years of Siberian history,
and describe the native culture and population.
Museum Building
The Museum is located in an historic mansion in the centre of Novosibirsk. The building was constructed in 1911 by the famous architector Kryachkov A.D. The mansion is a relic of the past and protected by the State.
The Exposition
The Exposition describes history of Novosibirsk Region from the Palaeolithic Period to the modern era. The Collection offers a distinctive look at the
colonization of Siberia, the foundation and development of Novosibirsk in the end of 19th - beginning of 20th cent. Every month the Museum presents
temporary exhibitions which acquaint visitors with rare exhibits of other museums and galleries throughout Sibiria,
as well as works of modern Siberian artists.
- Ethnography
The materials of anthropological expeditions since 1920.
Contains : native population clothes and shaman costumes, hunting equipment and weapon, utensils and decorations.
Photos and documents on every day life of indigenous people.
field sketches, notes, diaries of anthropologists.
- Archaeology
- Materials and findings of archaeological excavations in the Novosibirsk Region.
- Palaeontology
- mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius)
- ancient bison (Bison prescus)
- ancient rhinoceros (Ceodonta antiquitatis)
- ancient horse (Equus sp.)
- cave-hyena (Crocuta spelaea)
- giant deer (Megaloceros giganteus)
- Art
Siberian Painting and Graphics of the Soviet period (Socialist realism).
Revolutionary and Post-Revolutionary Posters. rare Orthodox icons (XVIII-XIX cent.)
- Archive and Rare Books
manuscripts and books (XVIII-XX cent.) Documents on Stalin era, repressions, political life of nearest past and present.
- The address: Krasny Prospekt 23., Metro - "Ploshad Lenina"
- Time-schedule: Open Wensday through Sanday, from 10.00 am to 06.00 pm;
- Day off: Monday, Tuesday. Every last Sunday of a month admission is free of charge.