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Shanghai. Tours to China.




Shanghai, also named Hu or Shen in short, is situated at 3114 north latitude and 12129 east longitude, and in middle of Chinas east coastline. It occupies a total area of 6,341 (of which Pudong new Area occupies 523, with a total resident population of 16,000,000. It has a pleasant climate, with four distinct seasons. The average temperature is around 18C and the annual precipitation is 1,240 mm.
Shanghai, an open city on the coast and famous historical and cultural city, is a gate to the Yangtze River delta. It is a municipality under the direct jurisdiction of the Central Government, the largest economic and trade center, a comprehensive industrial base and the leading port in China.
Shanghai is well known in the world not only for its prosperous cosmopolitan feature but also for its rich humanistic resources. In recent years, a number of modern buildings have been added to the city, such as the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, Shanghai Museum, Shanghai Library, Shanghai Stadium, Shanghai Grand Theatre, Shanghai Circus City, Shanghai City-Planning Exhibition Hall and Jin Mao Tower, Shanghai Science & Technology Museum. They have become new scenic sights in Shanghai. Colorful festivities, like Shanghai Tourism Festival and Shanghai China International Art Festival, have attracted and increasing number of tourists from home and overseas.

  • The Bund. Shanghais world-renowned Bund has been the epitome of elegance throughout its 100-year history. Now many attractions new constructions have been erected in addition. A 771-metre long retaining wall for flood control was built in a century. Atop the wall is a spacious walkway for sightseeing. Paved with colorful tiles and dotted with flower-beds and European-style garden lights. It is a good place for a leisurely stroll and a view of the Huangpu River.
    The commemorative square at the crossroad on Nanjing Road (E) features a clear fountain and the statue of Chen Yi, the first mayor of Shanghai in new China. Opposite the Custom Building is an electronic clock that shows standard times in various world localities on a water-like curtain. All around are Chinese wisterias, gingko trees and azaleas. Buildings in Greek, Renaissance and Baroque styles can be viewed in the western part of the Bund.
    The boat ride on the River will take the visitors down to the estuary of the Yangtze River in 3.15 hours.

  • Jade Buddha Temple. The temple is an active one, with 70 resident monks at last count. It was built between 1911 and 1918. The exterior is readily identifiable by the bright saffron walls. Inside, the centerpiece is a 1.9-metre-high white jade Buddha, which was installed here after a monk has brought it from Burma to Zhejiang Province in 1882. The seated Buddha, encrusted with jewels, is said to weigh 1,000 kg. A smaller, reclining Buddha from the same shipment lies on a redwood bed. In the large hall are three gold-plated Buddhas, and other halls house ferocious-looking deities. Artifacts abound, not all on display, and some 7,000 Buddhist sutras line the walls. Also in the precincts is a branch of the Antiques & Curio Store that sells miniature sandalwood drums and gongs, replicas of the large ones used in ceremonies. No photography of the Jade Buddha is permitted, but postcards are available.
  • Yu Garden. With a total area of less than 5 acres, it has more than 40 scenic spots in the inner and outer gardens, both built in the Ming Dynasty classical style. To the south stands the City God Temple, while to the west is the Yuyuan Bazaar.

  • Shanghai Old Street. Known as Fangband Road, Shanghai Old Street with a total of 825 metres, is adjacent to the Yuyuan Garden Bazaar Area and runs in an east-west direction from Zhonghua Road to Henan Road South, with both ends marked by decorated archways. Shanghai Old Street is surround by renovated shop houses and buildings constructed in the Ming and Qing Dynasties style. The western section has a number of antique & curio shops as well as restaurants and teahouses, and the eastern sections has a variety of shops including florists, shoe and clothing retailers, noodle restaurants and specialty dealers selling Chinese tea and snacks such as Five Fragrance Beans.
    Shanghai Old Street is a fun place to wander about for a taste of the old days when Shanghai was a walled city.
  • Oriental Pearl TV Tower. Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower is 468 m high and it is the first highest in Asia and the third highest in the world. The tower consists of 15 spheres of different size at different sizes at different levels creating an artistic conception of large and small pearls dropping onto a jade plate. It has become a symbolic architecture and a favorable spot for tourists in Shanghai.
  • Peoples Square. Located in downtown the Peoples Square is the largest public square in Shanghai with a total area of 140,000 sq.m.. The new city hall is at the northern side of the square and opposite to it at the southern side is the new Shanghai Museum. Next to the city hall is Shanghai Grand Theater. To the left of the city hall, Shanghai City Planning Exhibition Hall is underway. The Square aboveground is covered with lawns and planted with trees and flower bets are fountains, sculpture, artistic lantern posts and stone chairs and stools. The Peoples Square today is Shanghais political and cultural center and , at the same time, a new metropolitan scenic sight of the 90s.
  • Jin Mao Building. Jin Mao Building is a symbolic architecture of Shanghai in marching to the 21st century. It is the first tallest in the country and third tallest in the world. Two elevators with a speed of 9.1 m/sec. are working to transport visitors in seconds from the first basement to the sightseeing floor. Here, looking around and to the far distance, one can have a whole view of new Shanghai.
  • Huangpu River Cruise. Huangpu River cruise is a traditional tourist item in Shanghais tour. It is significant not only because of Huangpu River being Shanghais mother river but also of the collection of the quintessence of Shanghai scenes. Here one can find the expression of Shanghais past, present and prospects for a brilliant future.
Photo. Shanghai. Tour to China

Photo. Shanghai. Tour to China

Photo. Shanghai. Tour to China

Photo. Shanghai. Tour to China

Photo. Shanghai. Tour to China

Photo. Shanghai. Tour to China

Photo. Shanghai. Tour to China

Photo. Shanghai. Tour to China



Classic tours



- Facts about China

- Beijing

- Xi'an

- Shanghai 



- Beijing. Summer palace

- Beijing. Great wall

- Beijing. Forbidden city

- Beijing. Tian'anmen square

- Xi'an. Terra cotta Warriors and
 Horses Museum

- Xi'an. Huaqing Hot Spring

- Xi'an. City Wall

- Xi'an. The Greater Wild Goose Pagoda



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