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Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve.




Argali National Park in Mongolia

Amazingly, Gun-Galuut is the state combined from diversity of ecosystem although it owns comparatively small area. The harmonized complex of high mountains, steppes, rivers, lakes and wetlands as well are kept enough as its original condition. Whoever visiting enjoys to see Gun-Galuut vast steppe seems to meet the sky, the imposing mountains Baits and Berkh, a home land of rare creatures, Ikh-Gun and Ayaga lakes, a paradise of birds, Kherlen, the longest river of Mongolia and Tsengiin Burd wetland, in where water and wetland birds lay their eggs.

Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve is a local protected area for conservation of global threatened species. The Nature Reserve (NR) is founded by the Citizens' Representative Hural (Local Parliament) of Bayandelger county, Tuv Province in 2003.

Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve comprises of 3 zones: tourism, limited, and core zones, which are the ecosystem of steppe, rocky mountain, small lakes, river, streams and wetland, and it is about 20000 hectare.

The advantages of Gun-Galuut is no overcrowd of people mixed with domestic tourists although it’s located just 130 km from Ulaanbaatar capital city and easy access of driving (just for 2 hours) make this area to become the most attractive place for the tourism.


The fauna and flora of the NR haven't been researched properly but currently 63 mammal species, 81 bird species, 3 amphibian species and 38 fish species are recorded. Most common species are Grey Wolf, Marmot, Souslik, Pika, Vole, Fox, Corsac, Jerboa and Frog.

There are many nationally and globally threatened species in the NR. For instance, Argali Wild Mountain Sheep, Siberian White Crane, White-naped Crane, Hooded Crane, Red Falcon, Black Vulture and Swan Goose are globally threatened and listed in the IUCN Red List. Also there are nationally threatened species such as Whooper Swan, Black Stork, Great White Egret, Bar-Headed Goose, Bearded Vulture and Eurasian Penduline.


Amazingly, Gun-Galuut's vast and diverse landscape has tarditionally been a refuge for a rich and unique assemblage of animals, and it's combined from diversity of ecosystem although it owns comparatively small area. The harmonized complex of high mountains, steppes, rivers, lakes and wetlands as well are kept enough as its original state. Whoever visiting enjoys to see Gun-Galuut vast steppe seems to meet the sky, the imposing mountains Baits and Berkh, a home land of rare creatures, Ikh-Gun and Ayaga lakes, a paradise of birds, Kherlen, the longest river of Mongolia and Tsengiin Burd wetland, in where water and wetland birds lay their eggs.

Mountain Ranges
The area of Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve is elevated averagely 1200 m above sea level, topped by Mt. Baits and Berkh at the altitude of 1641 and 1631 m respectively, and are rocky. The area has several terrestrial ecosystems such as mountains, hills and steppes. Mt. Baits range locates in the center of the area, and Mt. Berkh locates at the south end of NR like stretching from north-west to south-east. The both of them has many species of fauna and flora.

The most interesting thing is the Mt. Baits has only one tree Larch. As for fauna, argali sheep, grey wolf, fox, lynx, manul cat, badger, hare, marmot, mice and etc.., White gazelles or the Procapra gutturosa often come from the east to this area. As for birds, Steppe Eagle /Aguile nipalensis/, Golden Eagle /Aguila chrysaetos/, Saker falcon /Falco cherrug/, Kestrel /falco tinnunculus/, Lesser Kestrel /Falco naumanni/, Upland Buzzard /Buteo hemilasius/, Long legged buzzard /Buteo lagopus/, Mongolian lark, Calandra lark, Crested lark, Horned lark, Thrushes, Pipits, Magpies and Hoopoes, Owls and Tawny-Owls.

Gun-galuut Nature Reserve is in the westernmost part of the Great Mongolian Steppes. In steppe of the NR has Wetland Delberkhii, surroundings of Lake Ikh Gun and Ayaga at the north of the NR, basins of River Galuut and Kherlen. The wetland Delberkhii is the main water resource for Lake Ikh Gun and Ayaga, and other grounwater in Gun-Galuut NR. Also, since its soil fertility, plants, land characteristics and quality are pretty good, water birds and other biodiversities like to come here.

Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve has numerous lakes and pools. The largest one in size are Lake Ikh-Gun (88 Sq.he) and Lake Ayaga (13 Sq.he). Most interestingly, Lake Ikh-Gun consists of 2 parts, 1 of which is sq.he and the other is 17 sq.he, and there’s a track between these 2 small parts, on which a vehicle can drive. These 2 lakes are situated at the northern part of tourism zone of the Nature Reserve. Many species of waterbirds spend summer at these 2 lakes, namely, gulls, ducks, geese, swans, cranes, storks etc., Lake Ayaga was mentioned by one of the well-known scientists of Mongolia, Dr. Dashdorj in one of his scientific articles as “ Lake Ayaga needs an immediate protection as it is a home for many species of worldwide endangered species of fish...”, in 1980s. Lake Ayaga is richer than the lake Ikh Gun in birdlife. There’s no outlet and inlet of Lake Ikh Gun, but Lake Ayaga has an outlet and an inlet.

Gun-Galuut Nature reserve has many clear rivers including the River Kherlen, one of the longest in Mongolia, River Ayaga, River Shinebulag and River Galuutai and so on. All are rich in fish. River Ayaga flows from Lake Ayaga and joins the River Kherlen. Currently 38 species of fish are observed in the River Kherlen which flows from the Khentii Mountain range and joins Lake Dalai in Inner Mongolia. Fish species, Taimen (Hucho Taimen), Lenok (Brachymystax lenok), Amur pike (Esox reicherti), Burbot (Lota lota), Amur dase (Leuciscus waleski) and Flathead asp (Pseudaspius parva) and many more. The Nature Reserve is open for all 4 seasons with its rich fishery "Catch and Release" only, amazing nature beauty and wilderness. You have opportunities to fish for Taimen – The River King as the world class fishermen call it.

Ayaga wetland is a beautiful and rich wetland, a home for many species of animals and birds. The wetland is a wonderful complex of everything that a bird may need to live and breed. Many endangered and rare waterbirds also occur in Gun-Galuut, namely, Black Stork /Ciconia nigra/ is facing problems of extinction worldwide. It spends summers at Ayaga oasis of the NR peacefully.


Gun-Galuut NR doesn’t only have rare and threatened species, but also it’s a very important place for historical and cultural heritage. We think that it's our responsible to conserve the historical sites and cultural heritages for our future generations. Protecting them from natural causes and human factors is very important. There are plenty of historic memorials, magnificent Hunnu period (209 BC) deer stone, several ancient grave mounds, etc., It's very wonderful thing that the Mongolian Great Poet D. Natsagdorj was born here. So the memorial monument was built on the cradle of ger /dwelling he lived/ for him.

Historical Sites
There are ruins of buildings including big mud wall as though there was an ancient town named Undur Dov, barrows, deer stones, etc., The Undur Dov is located between Lake Ikh-Gun and Ayaga of Bayandelger soum, Tov province.

It was discovered in 1925 by Russian scholars B.Ya. Vladimortsov and B.B.Baradin during their archaeological research for remains of ancient towns and settlements in Baga Khentii or Kherlengiin Terelj and vicinity of Ikh and Baga lakes. Later, Kh. Perlee made some archaeological excavations and came up with the definition and excavation map of the ruins of town. At the time of the excavation "Undur Dov" have battered remains of the fortified walls around the town, traces of the elevated structure on the walls, which were presumably used for observation by sentries and the remains of the square-shaped building in the center of the fortress.The wall is 410x420 m square, 1.5-1.2 m high and 4-5 m thick. Its all four side has a gate respectively.
Some of researchers date Undur Dov fortress back to the Hunnu period and some to the XIII-XIV century.

Cultural Heritages
Changing Mongolian old society, abolishing bondage for cultural revolution, launching and developing Mongolian Modern literature for Mongolian future generations, Borjigon Dashdorj Natsagdorj was born in place named Melzii (Ayagiin Am) of Bayandelger soum, Tov province in Nov 17, 1906.

An accordance with The Union of Mongolian Writers, the memorial monument was erected on the birth place of D. Natsagdorj in Sep 28, 1981. Now, this place is located 6.8 mile /11 km/ of west side from the Station Kherlen and 7.45 mile /12 km/ from bridge of River Kherlen.

D.Natsagdorj (1906-1937), one of some well known people is founder of Mongolian Modern Literature. Mongolian writer, poet, playwright, Natsagdorj Dashdorj was born in Bayandelger soum (county), Tov Province of an impoverished noble family due to an absence of formalized education in Mongolia.
Working in the Military Department as a writer since 1911, his father Ts. Dashdorj died in 1927. Unfortunately, his mother Pagma died in 1913 when Natsagdorj was 7 years old.

His father got Natsagdorj when he was 8 years old to learn literacy (Mongolian old script) under the tutor Altangerel, who was one of the great literates in Mongolia.
From at the age of 11, he was writer for the Military Department in 1917-1921 and at the age of 16, he joined with the Central Committee of Party as a member, and became secretary for the Military Council. Afterward, having studied at the of Leningrad, Russia in 1925 and graduating it in 1926, when he was 20 years old.

He had been working in Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of Mongolia as a director since 1924. Unfortunately, during the Mongolian Festival Naadam of 1937 he died in position of leaning the yard of the Central Theater.
He created many poems, fictions, verses, etc., For instance: /poem/ "To be appeared blue", "The song for youth", "Note on the way to Berlin", "Indian woman", "Wonderful", "Science", "Wanting freedom", "Oktyabri", "My native place", "My mammy", "Four season", "Dream", "My little lamb",etc., /fiction/ "White moon and black tear", "Tear of Lama", "Old boy", "Admiring culture", "Beauty of the countryside", "Thing that never had seen", etc.

Photo. Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve. Tuv aimag. Mongolia.

Photo. Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve. Tuv aimag. Mongolia.

Photo. Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve. Tuv aimag. Mongolia.

Photo. Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve. Tuv aimag. Mongolia.

Photo. Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve. Tuv aimag. Mongolia.

Photo. Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve. Tuv aimag. Mongolia.

Photo. Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve. Tuv aimag. Mongolia.

Photo. Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve. Tuv aimag. Mongolia.



- Tuv aimag.

- Tuv aimag map.

- Zuunmod town. The administrative center.

- Museum of the central (tuv) aimag.

- Manzhir Khiid (Manjushri Monastery).

- Bogdkhan National Park.

- Gorkhi - terelj national park.

- Hustain Nuruu Nature Reserve.

- Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve.

- Chinggis Khaan statue Complex.
 Tsonjin Boldog.

- 13th Century complex, national park.

- Sacred memorial complex was built
 for memorial of Tonyukuk.

- Aglag Buteeliin Khiid.

- Eej Khad. Mother Rock.

- Tuul River

- Tuv aimag. Pages of the pictures album..


- Regins of Mongolia

- Mongolian citis

- General map of Mongolia

- Administrative map of Mongolia



- Ulaanbaatar 



- Darkhan uul

- Govi-Sumber

- Orkhon 



- Tuv Aimag

- Uvurkhangai Aimag

- Arkhangai Aimag 



- Khuvsgul Aimag

- Bulgan Aimag

- Selenge Aimag 



- Khentii Aimag

- Dornod Aimag

- Sukhbaatar Aimag 



- Bayan-Ulgii Aimag

- Khovd Aimag

- Uvs Aimag

- Zavkhan Aimag 



- Dundgovi Aimag

- Umnugovi Aimag

- Dornogovi Aimag

- Bayan-Khongor Aimag

- Gobi-Altai Aimag




Classic tours

Horse riding tours

Trekking tours

Short tours

Fishing tours

Automobile tours

Special tours

Mongolia - Baikal

Mongolia - China


General information

Facts for the visitors

Mongolian history

Mongolian art and culture

The regions of Mongolia

The maps of Mongolia 

Information for driver

Naadam festival

Fishing in Mongolia

Mongolia photo album


About Ulaanbaatar

Sights of interest

Ulaanbaatar museums

Ulaanbaatar monasteries

Art Galleries in Ulaanbaatar

Ulaanbaatar Suburbs


Train and plane time table 

- Ulaanbaatar train time table

- International flight time table

- Domestic flight time table

Hotels in Ulaanbaatar

Tourist camps in Mongolia

Mongolian visas.

Diplomatic representatives of Mongolia

The embassies in Mongolia


Accommodation booking 

- Hotel

- Home stay

- Tourist camp in Mongolia

Ticket booking

- Air ticket

- Train ticket

- Bus ticket

Visa support service

- Invitation to Mongolia

- Russian visa support

Other services 

- Guide service in Mongolia

- Transfer

- Reservation car in Mongolia

- Camping equipment


