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Zanabazar Museum of Fine Art in Ulaanbaatar




Zanabazar Museum of Fine Art in Ulaanbaatar was founded in 1966. Visitors can enjoy works of Mongolia's famous artists, and sculptors who lived before or in the early 20th century. Sculptures by Mongolia's first Bogd Khaan and famous sculptor Zanabazar ("Five Gods" and "Taras"), as well as appliques and sculptures in wood and stone by talented Mongolian craftsmen are among the 10 thousand exhibits of the museum. 25 of the 45 most precious works of art created by Mongolia's artists can be found in the museum.

The Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts has an excellent collection of paintings, carvings and sculptures, including many by the revered sculptor and artist Zanabazar. It also contains other rare  - and sometimes old - religious exhibits such as scroll paintings (thangka) and Buddhist statues, representing the best display of its kind in Mongolia. A bonus is that most of the exhibit captions in the museum are in English.

At the top of the stairs is a glass folder with a detailed explanation of Zanabazar and his work. There are some fine examples of the sculptor's work including five Dhyani, or Contemplation, Buddhas (cast in 1683) and Tara in her 21 manifestations.

Also worth checking out are the wonderful tsam masks (worn by monks during religious ceremonies) and the intricate paintings, One Day in Mongolia and The Airag Feast, by renowned artist В. Sharav. These depict almost every aspect of nomadic life. The ground floor has some copies of portraits of the great khaans (kings) and some 7th century Turkic stone carvings.

The museum, facing the taxi stand on Khudaldaany Gudamj, is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The shops inside have a good (but expensive) selection of leather goods, souvenirs and paintings. A handy little guidebook to the museum in English and French is for sale inside, though you do get a free brochure with your ticket. English speaking guides are also available.

Photo. Zanabazar museum of fine art. Ulaanbaatar.

Photo. Zanabazar museum of fine art. Ulaanbaatar.

Photo. Zanabazar museum of fine art. Ulaanbaatar.

Photo. Zanabazar museum of fine art. Ulaanbaatar.

Photo. Zanabazar museum of fine art. Ulaanbaatar.

Photo. Zanabazar museum of fine art. Ulaanbaatar.

Photo. Zanabazar museum of fine art. Ulaanbaatar.

Photo. Zanabazar museum of fine art. Ulaanbaatar.






- About Ulaanbaatar

- Ulaanbaatar history

- Place to visit

- Ulaanbaatars museums

- Monasteries

- Theatres

- Art galleries

- Shopping

- Cafe, restarants

- Baganur.

- Bagahangay.

- Nalaikh.


Classic tours

Horse riding tours

Trekking tours

Short tours

Fishing tours

Automobile tours

Special tours

Mongolia - Baikal

Mongolia - China


General information

Facts for the visitors

Mongolian history

Mongolian art and culture

The regions of Mongolia

The maps of Mongolia 

Information for driver

Naadam festival

Fishing in Mongolia

Mongolia photo album


About Ulaanbaatar

Sights of interest

Ulaanbaatar museums

Ulaanbaatar monasteries

Art Galleries in Ulaanbaatar

Ulaanbaatar Suburbs


Train and plane time table 

- Ulaanbaatar train time table

- International flight time table

- Domestic flight time table

Hotels in Ulaanbaatar

Tourist camps in Mongolia

Mongolian visas.

Diplomatic representatives of Mongolia

The embassies in Mongolia


Accommodation booking 

- Hotel

- Home stay

- Tourist camp in Mongolia

Ticket booking

- Air ticket

- Train ticket

- Bus ticket

Visa support service

- Invitation to Mongolia

- Russian visa support

Other services 

- Guide service in Mongolia

- Transfer

- Rent car in Mongolia

