Улан-Батор. Рестораны. Кафе.

За последние годы в Улан-Баторе открылись десятки новых ресторанов, кафе и пабов.
Многие иностранцы имеющие бизнес в Монголии, открывают свои рестораны. Поэтому
в Улан-Баторе такое разнообразие ресторанов с европейской и азиатской кухней.
В Улан-Баторе открыто много уютных пивбаров с собственными пивоварнями.
Многие иностранцы отмечают отличное качество монгольского пива.
Отличительной чертой сферы обслуживания является исключительная вежливость
обслуживающего персона. Меню в основном на монгольском и английских языках.
Но во многих ресторанах в меню присутствуют
фотографии блюд, так, что с выбором болю
затруднений не возникает.
Отличительная черта этих ресторанов,
богатый выбор мясных блюд. Свинина,
говядина, баранина, птица. Выбор на любой
- MODERN NOMADS. Монгольская кухня.
- MONGOLIA BARBEQUE. Сеть ресторанов с традиционной монгольской кухней.
- NOMADS LEGENDS. Традиционная монгольская кухня.
- Grand Khaan. Ресторан. Традиционная монгольская кухня.
- ИХ МОНГОЛ. Ресторан. Традиционная монгольская кухня.
- SILK ROAD. Ресторан. Традиционная монгольская кухня.
- Mongolians. This upmarket Mongolian restaurant has walls lined
with traditional antiques and old photos, and a menu of contemporary local
cuisine. Expect stir-fried meats, dumplings and boiled mutton, along with
some Russian and European influences and cold beer on tap. It's a bit out of
the way, however.
- Bull 3. Within the upmarket Blue Mon Building is this elegant
restaurant that's always busy with well-dressed folk here for hotpot. Order
an array of raw vegetables, sauces and thinly sliced meats, which are
brought to your table on platters, then cook the ingredients in your
personal cauldron of boiling broth. It also has two branches on Seoul St –
Bull 1 and Bull 2.
- CHINGIS (Чингис). Монгольская, китайская, корейская кухни.
- SEOUL. Корейская кухня.
- Pyongyang Baek Hwa Restaurant
This North Korean restaurant delivers in the weirdness stakes, with its classic
DRPK kitsch and a memorable stage performance held each evening at 8pm. Hidden
atop a high-rise building, there are fantastic city views, and it's decorated
with fake birch trees. There's an art gallery (all works for sale), and a menu
offering regional dishes and classics such as bulgogi and bibimbap.
Wash it down with a North Korean beer or soju, though the former will set you
back T18,000! There's a bunch of intriguing propaganda material to peruse while
you await your meal. All staff are from Pyongyang and speak reasonable English.
It's a little out of the way, located in the Daco building behind the Urgoo-1
- SEKITEI. Японская кухня.
- NARA. Японская кухня.
- Hazara. Tucked behind the Wrestling Palace, this North Indian
restaurant has consistently been one of the best restaurants in Ulaanbaatar for
over 15 years. Each table is covered by a colourful Rajasthani tent, where you
sit back and enjoy tandoori baked delights. Try the chicken tikka, aloo gobi
(potato and cauliflower) or raan-e-hazara (lamb marinated in rum).
- SISSI. В свое время получил популярность как классический европейский ресторан. Австрийский кофе экспрессо. Классическая музыка.
- SERICON. Греческая кухня.
- Opanas. For something a bit different head to this Ukrainian
restaurant for dumplings, chicken kiev and borscht, among other classics
served in a kitschy setting by staff in traditional peasant clothing.
- Los Banditos. мексиканская и индийская
- MexiKhan. MexiKhan satisfies a broad selection of Latin American
food cravings. Most are here for Tex-Mex classics such as burritos and
tacos, but you can also opt for Peruvian dishes, such as lomo saltado
(stir-fried beef), or Cuban dishes, including ropa vieja (pulled beef and
Creole sauce). Portions are large and the colourful and fresh ingredients
are a delight, as are the rum and tequila cocktails.
Illuminated with soft red lighting, MexiKhan has the look and feel of a
nightclub. If you prefer a brighter atmosphere, there is outdoor deck
seating in summer. The restaurant often holds special events, including
Latin dancing on Fridays. MexiKhan is located inside the Regency Residence,
an apartment tower on Unesco St.
- Green Zone. Appropriately named Green Zone is a lush oasis, where
plants seem to grow from walls and colourful, fresh ingredients appear in
front of hungry diners. The cafe-style menu features sandwiches, burgers,
quiche and soups. There's hummus, freshly baked bread, mini pizzas and
salads with ingredients grown in the restaurant's hanging garden. Our go-to
favourites are the broccoli soup, tuna melt and lasagne.
French owner Jessie has created a cosy and friendly cafe where expats,
students, tourists and locals mingle over coffee and light meals. There's
comfortable couches, counter-seating and a kid-friendly loft. Pick a book
off the shelf or just listen to some good music. In summer, enjoy your meal
on the sunny porch overlooking Builder's Sq. Check the Facebook page for
events, as Green Zone hosts open-mic nights and local bands. The cafe is
hidden behind trees, about 50m north of the Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts.
- DELLA CASA. Пиццерия.
- MILLIE'S ESPRESSO (American in Ulaanbaatar). Since it first opened
its doors in 1998, Millie's has been a favourite among expats seeking
American comfort food. The owners – Daniel and Densmaa – warmly greet
patrons to their sunlit restaurant and promptly serve up tasty burgers,
sandwiches and soups. Special treats include smoothies, lemon pie and a
delicious chocolate cake (which sells out early). Don't miss Daniel's famous
Cuban sandwich, only available on Tuesday.
Устойчивой популярностью среди иностранцев пользуется ночной клуб "Марко Поло" на втором этаже итальянского ресторана по улице Сеул, рядом с представительством "Аэрофлота" Основа популярности в красивых монгольских танцовщицах. Стрип бары не редкость в ночном Улан-Баторе, но самым изысканным считается ночной клуб Марко Поло, где всю ночь напролет танцуют полностью обнаженные монголки, причем не на сцене, а непосредственно в зале, среди клиентов.