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Moscow museum. Museum in Moscow. Moscow Art museum. Moscow history museum. Moscow science museum.




Moscow is often called a museum city. There are over 200 museums in Moscow. Its museums house multitudinous collections of world art and culture

  • Decorative and Folk Arts Museum
  • Folk Art Museum
  • State Tretyakov Art Gallery 
  • State Tretyakov Gallery on Krimsky val.
    The development of Russian art of the XX century - from the avant-garde of the 1900's to the creative quest of painters of the 1980's and 1990's - is presented in the new premises of the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val.
  • Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
  • Museum of Private collections
  • Bakhrushin Theatrical Museum
    Rare editions of theatrical plays, sketches, theatrical properties, costumes and personal belongings of Chaliapin, Komissarzhevskaya, Pavlova and other great Russian actors are on display there. The expositions tell about the roots of the Russian theatre, Russian theatrical life in the XVII - XIX centuries, as well as the Russian theatrical avant-garde.
  • Museum of Oriental Arts
  • Roerich international centre and museum
    The museum was founded by Nikolai Roerich's younger son, Sergei Roerich, who donated the heritage of the Roerich family to Russia in 1990. It is located in the former Lopukhins' manor-house – an architectural monument of the XVII -XIX centuries. The exposition features biographical facts of the Roerich family and presents multiple facets of their creative, research and public work. The collection of the museum comprises paintings by Nikolai and Sergei Roerichs, archival materials, personal belongings and rarities, as well as works of decorative-applied and plastic art from the Roerichs' collection. The museum has a lecture hall and an optical theatre. Concerts of classical music and exhibitions of contemporary art are also held there.
  • Andrey Rublev Museum of Old Russian Art (Muzey drevnerusskoy kultury i isskusstva im. Andreya Rubleva).
  • Moscow museum of Modern Art
    This is the only museum in Russia devoted to Oriental and African arts. Painting, sculpture, works of decorative and applied art from ancient times to the early XX century are displayed there. The museum houses a collection of more than 60 thousand artworks. One of the sections presents works by Nikolai Roerich, a Russian artist, historian and traveller who devoted most of his life to exploring the Orient.
  • Russian academy of arts
  • Modern art museum
  • Alexandr Shilov gallery
  • Archeology Museum of Moscow (Branch of Moscow History and Reconstruction Museum.)
    The museum was opened on Manezhnaya Square on September 6, 1997 to mark the 850th anniversary of Moscow. It is located at a depth of seven metres in an area of archeological sites in the historical centre of Moscow. The exposition is based on the remains of the white-stone Voskresensky Bridge (architect - P. Geiden) - a monument of XVII century architecture, as well as archeological finds and monetary and ware treasures.
  • Battle of Borodino Panorama Museum
    The museum was founded in 1912 when the artist Franz Roubaud created the panorama "Borodino Battle" on the occasion of the centenary of the Patriotic War of 1812 and displayed it in a wooden pavilion on Chistoprudny Boulevard. Since 1962 the panorama has been on display in a new building on Kutuzovsky Prospect, the former village Fili. It was in Fili that the military council was held in 1812, that made a decision to leave Moscow to the French army. The exposition is dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812 - from the invasion of the Napoleon's army in June to its defeat in December. Alongside the panorama "Borodino Battle" (of size 115 x 15 m), weapons and regimentals of Russian and French armies, painting, sculpture, graphic art and coins are displayed. 
  • Central Armed Forces Museum. History of Russian Army and fleet of 1918 - 1922 civil war and WWII. 25 halls of weapons, photos, captured German standarts, military equipment and old Russian uniforms.
  • Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War 
    This is a federal institution of culture, the centre of the Memorial Complex on Poklonnaya Gora, created to commemorate the victory over nazism and immortalize heroic deeds, courage and self-sacrifice of the patriots of the Motherland. It was opened on May 9, 1995 (architects - N. Tomsky and A. Polyansky, main designer - Z. Tsereteli). The memorial comprises the Victory Park, the Main Victory Monument (141.8-m-high), the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and the open-air exhibition of military vehicles and engineering fortifications. The exhibition has over 110,000 items of authentic weapons, military vehicles, uniforms, medals, photos, documentary films, letters from the battlefield, works of art, pictures, posters and other documents of the war-time.
  • Moscow military marine Museum
  • KGB Museum
  • Kremlin Complex 
  • Lenin Mausoleum 
  • Modern history museum (Museum of contemporary history of Russia)
  • Moscow City History Museum 
  • Museum of the Revolution
  • Museum of Christ the Saviour Cathedral
  • Romanov's House
  • State Historical Museum  
  • St. Basil's Cathedral  
    The cathedral was erected in 1555 - 1561 by two Russian architects, Barma and Postnik, under the decree of Tsar Ivan the Terrible to commemorate the Kazan Victory. In 1588, the nine-domed Pokrovsky Cathedral was added to by the tenth church - the memorial temple built on the burial-place of Vasily (Basil)the Blessed revered by Muscovites. Gradually the Cathedral became known among people as St. Basil's Cathedral. In the Vestry of the Cathedral regular exhibitions are held.
  • Museum of the Russian Estate Culture "Kuzminki" (branch of the Museum of History of Moscow) 
  • The old English court
  • Novodevichy Convent 
  • Bulgakov Flat
  • Book museum
  • Chekhov Museum
  • Dostoyevsky Museum
  • Gogol Memorial rooms
  • Lev Tolstoy Museum 
    A world oldest literary and memorial museum, a large research center of studying, preserving and proliferating the writer's literary heritage. The Tolstoy Museum in Moscow was initiated by some renowned writers and artists. It was opened on December 28, 1911 (old-style) in the house of the Tolstoy Society at 18, Povarskaya Street. 
  • Marina Tsvetayeva Museum
    The museum is unique due to the history of its foundation, its designation and its structure. It is both a memorial museum of a poet and a research-consulting literary and art centre. It was opened on November 12, 1990 under Dmitry Likhachev's initiative. The museum has permanent and mobile exhibitions. Literary and musical performances and meetings with researchers of M. Tsvetaeva's life and works are held here. The museum has a library of publications on Tsvetaeva's poetry and the archive materials telling about the emigration period in Tsvetaeva's life. 
  • Mayakovsky Museum
    In this house the poet - futurist V. Mayakovsky lived between 1919 and 1930. The museum comprises more than 50 thousand exhibits. Personal belongings of the poet, family relics, paintings, works of graphic art, sculptures, posters are on display. The book fund of the museum contains a unique collection of poetry of the beginning of the XXth century, including lifetime publications of V. Mayakovsky's works. 

  • Maxim Gorky House museum  
    The museum is located in a building constructed by the architect D. Zhilyardi - one of the best specimens of Russian classicism. The exposition tells about the life and creative quests of the writer. Among the exhibits are unique works of painting and graphic art, sculptures, books, photos with autographs and M. Gorky's personal belongings.
  • Pushkin Apartment & State Pushkin Museum 
    The museum is located in one of the most beautiful mansions built in the Moscow empire style, the former manor-house of the Khrushchevs-Selesnyovs on Prechistenka. The exposition tells about the life and work of Alexander Pushkin. The atmosphere of Pushkin's times is reconstructed in the halls. The museum presents a vast collection of books, furniture, painting and decorative art of the XIX century. 
  • Sergey Esenin museum
    The great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin lived here between 1911 and 1918. The Moscow period of his creative life is featured by an outstanding exposition which traces back the creative quests of the great poet. Guided tours are accompanied by audio- and video-programs displaying rare shots of S. Yesenin's life. 
  • Skryabin Museum
  • Shalyapin museum
  • Politechnic Museum (Gosudarstvenniy politekhnicheskiy muzey).
    The largest science and technology museum in Russia and the world. It was founded under the initiative of Russian scholars and members of the Imperial Society of Natural Sciences, Anthropology and Ethnography. The museum was set up on May 30, 1872 with the opening of a large polytechnic exhibition, devoted to the 200th anniversary of Peter the Great. Richest collections of the museum that acquaint visitors with the history of Russian and world science and technology are used in the exposition. On display are also unique editions, lifetime publications of outstanding scholars, works of academies and research societies. There are over 160,000 exhibits, more than 150 collections, about 500 working mock-ups and dioramas. The scientific library comprises more than 3 million copies of books and printed publications. Poetic and musical performances, meetings and lectures of scientists are held in the Big Hall of the museum. 
  • State Darvin museum
    This is one of the oldest and largest natural-science museums, not only in Russia but also in Europe. It was founded in 1907 by professor A. F. Kots. The exposition tells about various forms of life on the Earth. Apart from traditional exhibits of a natural-science museum, such as stuffed animals and birds, skeletons, shells of molluscs, insects and pictures, there are also moving models of dinosaurs, game machines with sounds of animals, large video screens with educational films and a light-video-musical exposition called "Alive Planet". 
  • Museum of Cosmonautics
  • History Museum of Railway Transportation.
    Open 31 July 2003. 
    Open every day. Close Monday, Tuesday.
    Address: Rizhskaya Ploshad, 1

    Metro: Rizhskaya

  • V.Vernadsky geological museum
    The museum was founded in 1755 as a collection of "creations of nature" at the Imperial Moscow University. The historical collection includes donations from the Demidovs' dynasty, princess Ekaterina Dashkova, the Gagarins' princes, collections of the academicians A. Pavlov and M. Pavlov, V. Vernadsky, A. Fersman, etc. The expositions of the museum are: "The World of Minerals", "The Earth and its Biosphere", "Geological Sketch of Moscow's Vicinities", "Historical Collections" and "Geological Kunstkamera". 
  • Popular museum of history the Moscow underground
    The Museum presents the history of building and operating Moscow’s subway from 1935 through1995. 
    - Underground: Sportivnaya. 
    - Address: 36, Hamovnicheskiy val ul.
    - Moscow underground pictures.
Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Moscow museums.

Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Moscow museums.

Museum of the Great Patriotic War. Moscow museums.

Museum of the Great Patriotic War. Moscow museums.

Kremlin Complex. Moscow museums.

Kremlin Complex. Moscow museums.

Museum of the Great Patriotic War. Moscow museums.

Museum of the Great Patriotic War. Moscow museums.




Tour to Moscow

Moscow excursion

About Moscow

Sights of Moscow

Museum of Moscow

Estate of Moscow

Moscow suburbs



Metropol Hotel 5*

Le Royal Meridien
National Hotel 5*

Sheraton Palace Hotel 5* 

Savoy Hotel 5*

Cosmos Hotel 4*

Novotel Sheremetyevo-2 Hotel 4*

Ukraina Hotel 4*

Izmailovo Hotel 3* (Gamma-Delta Block)


Russia in numbers and facts


Religious creeds in Russia

Folk craft

Stereotypes and symbols of Russia


Trip to St. Petersburg 

Trip to Moscow 

Trip to Golden Ring


General information, route, train, schedulers, train tickets


Trip to Yekaterinburg

Trip to Novosibirsk

Trip to Altay

Trip to Krasnoyarsk

Trip to Tuva Republik

Trip to Lake Baikal and Irkutsk

Trip to Buryat Republik


Trip to Khabarovsky Kray

Trip to Vladivostok

Trip to Sakhalin islands

Trip to Kuril islands

Trip to Kamchatka


Accommodation booking

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Ticket booking

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Russia visa support service

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