Museum of Vladivostok. Vladivostok museum. Sightseeing. Places to visit in Vladivostok and Primorsky kray.
Vladivostok - seaside city, here all is connected to the sea: history of city, architecture and the industry. In city it is a lot of
museums, 3 theatres, a philarmonic society, picture gallery, circus.
- Arsenyev Primorsky Krai Museum. The most oldest museum in Primorsky Krai.
- Memorial Submarine S-56 Museum.
- Vladivostok Fortress Museum.
- Military History Museum of the Pacific Fleet
- Vladivostok Aquarium (Oceanarium).
- Primorye Picture Gallery. The main state art museum of edge.
- The Automotive Antiques Museum (The Vladivostok museum avtomotostariny).
- Scientific museum of Far East State University
- Zoological museum.
- Museum of the rare book
- Museum of archeology and ethnography.
- A Geologo-mineralogical museum of Far East State Technical University.
It is open in 1918 at faculty of geology, has 3 halls and 7 000 exhibits. The greatest value exhibitions "Kamnesamotsvetnoe represent raw material of the Far East", "Minerals of area Dalnegorskogo", "Mineral flora and fauna", "Regular mineralogy". Aksakovsky a lane 12.
- Historical museum of Far East State Technical University.
historical museum is in a building of the main educational case and occupies
a room in which at creation of East institute. The general area of halls
makes 360 sq.m. and 3500 exhibits.
- Botanical garden Far East branch of the Russian Academy of Science
- Children's picture gallery
It has been based in 1991. For years of existence the children's picture gallery has lead 3 international festivals of children's creativity " Young artist ", more than 50 exhibitions and competitions of children's figures in Vladivostok, different cities of Russia and abroad. 12, Guerrilla avenue, Vladivostok, Russia.
- A national museum of history of
vocational training of Primorski Krai. The
museum of history of a professional technical education is organized in
1981. Management of vocational training of administration of Primorski Krai.
The museum borrows the area more than 100 sq. m in a building of Average
professionally technical school N 40. The basic directions of his work are
illumination of history of vocational training of Primorski Krai and
vocational guidance.
- Museum of Fighting glory of Pacific Boundary District.
Till 1903 the museum existed as departmental at management of Pacific
boundary district.
Funds of a museum total 8,7 thousand exhibits as the basic, and auxiliary
funds. Selection of exhibits reflects history of Pacific border. Into the
basic fund of a museum enter: znamennyj, numizmatichesky, weapon, subject,
art, documentary and rukopisno-printed funds. Auxiliary includes fund of
time receipts from other museums (the Central museum Boundary armies the
Russian Federation) and scientific-auxiliary fund.
The exposition of a museum reflects all stages of becoming of border in the
Far East and is constructed in the chronological order.
The address of a museum: 690091 Vladivostok, street Semenovskaja 17/19